I tried to install XAMPP on a Vista machine but I couln’t get the apache web server running. Port 80 was already used by another process. Since I have not installed the usual suspect Skype, I installed WAMP which comes with a port check tool that gives more detailed information than the one in XAMPP. And it told me the service using port 80 was microsoft-httpapi/2.0. After some googeling I learned that this is the SQL Server Reporting Services service from my SQL Server 2008 installation. To solve the problem do the following:
Open the SQL Server Configuration Manager
Double-click on SQL Server Reporting Services
Stop the service
On Tab Service changed the start mode to manual
Then port 80 is not used anymore and XAMPP and WAMP can be used without problems.
Just installed XAMPP lite on my Vista machine. The installation went smooth but the web server feels somehow slow. There is often a delay of about 1-2 seconds without any CPU load when I open a web page. I encountered this problem before on other Vista machines but never found a solution for it. Now I found a solution:
Open notepad.exe as administrator (right-click Notepad icon -> run as administrator)
Click on File -> Open
Change the selection Text files (*.txt) to All files (*.*)
Altough I have a lot of experience with SQL in general and the SQL Server in particular I decided to read Chapter 1 where they explain the SQL basics, to be sure to get it all. When I came to the part where they explained the GROUP BY clause, I stumbled across the following simple SQL statement (page 20):
SELECT Production.Product.ProductSubcategoryID
, AVG(ListPrice) AS 'Average'
, MIN(ListPrice) AS 'Minimum'
, MAX(ListPrice) AS 'Maximum'
FROM Production.Product
WHERE ListPrice <> 0
GROUP BY Product.ProductSubcategoryID;
The result set:
ProductSubcategoryID | Average | Minimum | Maximum
NULL 159.1333 133.34 196.92
1 1683.365 539.99 3399.99
2 1597.54 539.99 3578.27
What follows is this explanation of the result set:
The top row, where the ProductSubcategoryID is listed as NULL, is the summary row that provides the average, minimum and maxiumum list prices of products across all subcategories.
Aggregate functions with a simple GROUP BY do return a summary row? Could it be that I missed that all the years? Obviously the first row is simple the group of rows with ProductSubcategoryID of NULL and not a summary row. Or do I miss something here?
I know there is a WITH ROLLUP clause which produces summary rows, but this is explained in the next chapter of the book, so I don’t think it a simple typo.
Btw, this example uses the AdventureWorks2008 example database from Microsoft.
1. Create a subdomain for serving images. Reason: A web browser usually only makes a maximum of two simultanious connections to a single domain. So if you move your images to a different domain, e.g. images.yourdomain.com, the browser makes more than two connections and downloads your site faster. As you see a subdomain is enough to do the trick.
2. Since web browser do very aggresiv caching of css files it happens that a web browser doesn’t pick up your updated css file until the user manually forces a refresh. A sulution is to add a version number to the name of your css file, e.g. style.css?3110. You can easily automate this task by using your current subversion revision number. This way you can force your client web browsers to use the latest css file.
3. Add a content-expires header to things like images to stop the web browser making even an request, to check if the ressource has changed. This minimizes the amount of http request needed to open your website.
There is a lot more to say to each of this points I guess, but it should serve as a reminder for me.
Just found this video of a presentation with Jeff Atwood and Phil Haack. Phil Haak gives an introduction on ASP.NET MVC and builds a simple Stackoverflow clone. But the real interesting part is when Jeff Atwood enters the stage and talks about Stackoverflow which is built with ASP.NET MVC. He logs in to the live server and shows some real Stackoverflow code. Don’t miss this.
Currently I read Joel Polsky’s book Joel on Software. And I have to say this book is a must-read for everybody who is in software, especially software developers. Too bad I didn’t discover this book years earlier. Particularly interesting is the Joel Test.
Recently my DVD drive on my Vista machine was not visible any more. The device-manager told me that the driver could not be loaded. I had no idea what the reason was. However this is the solution I found on the net:
Open regedit
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlClass {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
Delete all keys named “UpperFilters” and “LowerFilters”